I wanted to have a doily giveaway for quite a while, but I contemplated for a little whether I should give this particular doily away. After all, it’s one of the biggest and most gorgeous doilies I’ve ever made!
But the truth is I am accumulating a lot of them! Sharing my work with others will be a better use than just keeping it my drawers. Besides, I still have the pattern and can make another crocus doily anytime I want!
Here are some details about this doily: It’s made of crochet thread size ten in ecru color and measures almost twenty inches across.
And here is how you can enter this giveaway:
• Just leave me a comment below letting me know you would like to participate.
• You can have an additional entry if you follow Lacy Crochet either via Google Connect or Facebook. Please, leave me additional comment letting me know that you are a follower.
• You can have yet one more entry if you post about this giveaway on your blog or have a button for this giveaway on your blog’s sidebar! Again, please leave me an additional comment.
That’s all there is to it. Anyone around the world is welcome to participate. The winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Sunday, July 15, 2012. The last day to enter the giveaway is July 14.