The doily that I’m sharing today is a special one. This is not the doily one would keep on display year round. Rather it’s a doily to be pulled out and used for a very special occasion – Valentine’s Day!
Perhaps the pattern itself doesn’t have much in common with romance, but its rich red color certainly does. And to show it, I set up this romantic vignette.

I finished this doily just a few days ago. The pattern is from French crochet magazine 1000 Mailles Crochet Givre Le Crochet Facile #52. I used pearl cotton thread.
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Share Your Creations @ Kristen's Creations,
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home.
Perhaps the pattern itself doesn’t have much in common with romance, but its rich red color certainly does. And to show it, I set up this romantic vignette.

I finished this doily just a few days ago. The pattern is from French crochet magazine 1000 Mailles Crochet Givre Le Crochet Facile #52. I used pearl cotton thread.
I'm linking this post to
Share Your Creations @ Kristen's Creations,
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home.