Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine’s Tea Party for Kids

Last weekend, a friend of mine and her two daughters (age 3 and 2) came over to our home. They joined us for a little Valentine's Day inspired tea party. My boys are five and two years old, so the company was perfect.

I was glad to have a chance to make use of my doilies, which usually are hidden away. I scattered pink and white doilies on the table with the sweet treats. It looked cute.

It wasn’t a big and fancy party, but everyone surely had fun.

The pink lemonade marshmallows were a big hit.

This is a camellia flower from my front yard. The bush only starts to bloom, and there was only one flower that completely opened, which I snapped to decorate the table. There are lots of buds on the camellia bush however, and I’m so much looking forward to seeing them opened up.  

A small pot of daisies. At the end of the party, I gifted them to my friend.

Do you remember the hearts that I crocheted a couple of weeks ago? I used them for handmade valentines. I glued them to note cards, and my boys added some stickers. Two of these cards were already delivered to their recipients, and the rest will be delivered later this week.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!


  1. What a lovely tea party, your pretty doilies make the table look beautiful, your hearts are lovely too. :)

  2. What a lovely tea party !! Your doilies look very pretty on the table and everything is arranged so neatly !!:)

  3. Lovely and yummy tea party !

  4. Ольга,красивый стол получился, украшенный салфеточками и цветком! А дети, конечно все любят сладкое!

  5. Olá amiga!
    Linda festa,muito bonita a decoração.
    Beijos fique com Deus.

  6. What a great idea to have a tea party. Your table looks soooo pretty and what a great use for your doilies. Sounds like a good time was had by your guests and you were the most generous hostess. Love what you did with your little red hearts. So sweet!

  7. How sweet! :) So pretty too!

  8. What a sweet little soirée for the wee ones! Chrissie x

  9. What a neat idea for Valentines cards! Your little party set-up is so pretty. Wonderful!

  10. Lovely cards, anyone would be thrilled to get one. Your tea party sounds very fun.
    Hugs to you,

  11. Such a lovely idea for your hand made Valentines cards, an afternoon tea party too, your table looks lovely x

  12. Parabéns pelo blog.
    Jesus te ama
    “A saber: Se com a tua boca confessares ao Senhor Jesus, e em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, serás salvo. Romanos 10:9″
    “No princípio era o Verbo, e o Verbo estava com Deus, e o Verbo era Deus.
    Ele estava no princípio com Deus.
    Todas as coisas foram feitas por ele, e sem ele nada do que foi feito se fez.
    Nele estava a vida, e a vida era a luz dos homens. João 1:1-4″
